Orange & Walnut Cake

Autumn is truly there when this cake is being served. Walnuts and oranges are both ready in late autumn and both keep extremely well. Making this a great autumn, winter and even early spring dish.
A super moist recipe for a delicious orange and walnut cake. This cake is a true ode to autumn as it combines these two seasonal ingredients which complement each other perfectly. Another real benefit is that you use the entire orange for this recipe, so nothing goes to waste. When decorating this cake, remember to always let it cool down completely before adding any kind of icing or fresh fruit.
Autumn is truly there when this cake is being served. Walnuts and oranges are both ready in late autumn and both keep extremely well. Making this a great autumn, winter and even early spring dish.
16 people
Time to Prepare:
1 hourÂ
Time to cook or cure:
40 min.
16 people
Time to Prepare:
1 hourÂ
Time to cook or cure:
40 min
The batter
The decoration
Useful guidelines
The ”right” orange
Navel oranges are best used for this recipe. But truly any orange which you can buy for consumption will do. Just remember to check well for pips. In case you blend a pip or two into your batter you will alter the flavour and NOT in a desired way.
Time for cooking orange
Submerse your oranges completely in water and boil until you can easily insert a sharp knife into them. This usually takes about 30 minutes.
Adding SaltÂ
A pinch of salt in this cake makes the rest of the ingredients pop!
This batter needs to be well mixed. The finer you blend you walnuts, the finer the crumb of your cake will be.
Preparing the tin
Simply line your bottom of your baking tin with some parchment paper. No need to do anything to the edges. You can release those with a knife once you take the cake out ofthe oven.
bake for 40 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius (340 Fahrenheit) Â or until the cake no longer wobbles. Let cool down completely before decorating!
To make this delicious Orange & Walnut cake simply follow these steps:
STEP 1 : Put oranges in small saucepan submersed in water and boil on low heat for 30 minutes, or until fully cooked.Â
STEP 2 : Measure out your ingredients and if necessary blend nuts
STEP 3 : Take out the oranges and check them for pips. Puree the oranges whole.
STEP 4 : Preheat oven on 170 degrees Celsius (340 Farenheit).
STEP 5: Combine ground nuts, pulp, eggs, sugar, salt and cinnamon. Stir well.
STEP 6: Line the bottom of your your baking tin with parchment paper. Fill with batter and tap twice on counter with tin to release any air.
STEP 7:Â Combine ground nuts, pulp, eggs, sugar, salt and cinnamon. Stir well.
STEP 8: Bake in oven for 40 minutes or until there is no more wobble in the cake.
STEP 9: Take out tin and release the ring carfully. Use knife for help if necessary. Let cool down completely
STEP 10:Â Optional: make glaze with powder sugar and juice. Decorate with fresh fruit. Voila.
This cake can be kept inside of the fridge up to 4 days. If you plan on serving it, always let it get back to room temperature beforehand, as it will bring out the aroma and imrove the eating experience.
Get creative and try this cake with another nut flour. Almond, cashew, hazelnut. It is also possible to decorate with dark chocolate.
Navel oranges originate from Brazil and were imported to the rest of the world by cuttings of the original tree, as the fruit carries no seed. There is no other way of reproducing it.
Read more on the orange’s history here
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