How to make a Bifana Portuguese people will love

Bifana is the Portuguese fast food sandwich many Portuguese people enjoy. If you want to learn how to make a Bifana Portuguese people will love. This video is for you! Sophie shares her recipe with you based on how her Portuguese husband showed her. Based on the feedback the local Portuguese have given her, this recipe is a winner!
Cooking gear

A bifana Portuguese people will love


A crackling sound when removed from the oven is the sign that you succeeded in baking the perfect crisp crust for this delicious wholesome loaf.



8 people


Time to Prepare:

1 day or  40 minutes

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

less then a minute



sauce/ stock making & poaching



8 sandwiches


Time to Prepare:

1 day or 40 minutes

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

less then a minute



stock/sauce making & poaching

Cooking gear
Watch it step by step


For the marinade

  • 700 g pork loin
  • 4 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • 2 bayleaf
  • 100 ml white wine
  • optional: 1 tsp smoked paprika

For the sauce

  • olive oil for frying
  • 3 tbs lard
  • 3 tbs butter
  • trimmings of pork loin
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 bayleaf
  • 300 ml white wine
  • 300 ml water
  • 1 tbs salt
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika

For the rolls

  • Soft white rolls with hard crust
  • Mustard

Useful guidelines

Browning of the trimmings

The success of this dish is dependent on the browning of the meat. this will give the sauce its deep and rich flavour. Be sure not to skip this step and add enough trimmings to create a meaty flavour.

Marinating in advance

If you have the time or foresight to marinade overnight it is definitely advised. It will make the meat more tender and flavourful.


Simply follow these steps:

STEP 1 : Trim your pork loin, slice it to 2 mm thin slices and add the marinade ingredients to it. You can do this a day in advance. Cover and keep both  slices and trimmings. If it for the next day do so in  in the fridge.

STEP 2 : (The next day ) In olive oil and lard fry of the trimmings until they are  dark and golden.

STEP 3 : Add in bayleaf and butter.

STEP 4 : Deglaze the pan with the white wine and add salt, and smoked paprika.

Let simmer until the wine is no longer alcoholic.

Step 5 : Let boil for 30 minutes 

Step 6: Add water  in order to bulk up the sauce. boil for 15 more minutes.

Step 7: Slice open and prepare your rolls with mustard. The poach your slices a few portions at a time in the simmering sauce. Make sure not to overcook your meat as it will become tough.

handeling a pork loin, The Farming Chefs
pork loin trimmings
brown trimmings in olive oil and lard
add bayleaf and butter
deglaze with white wine
add salt
add smoked paprika
let simmer
add water
prepare sandwich
cook meat, the farming chefs


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