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Pliable Flatbreads

Pliable Flatbreads

These Pliable Flatbreads are great to use for wraps. This recipe does not use any rising agent making it quick and simple. The yoghurt adds a nice tangy flavour which adds a bit of character to any dish.



8 people


Time to Prepare:

8 people

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

8 people



Fermentation & Baking



8 people


Time to Prepare:

20 min

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

30 min



bread making

Cooking gear
Watch it step by step


The dough

  • 300 g white flour
  • 150 g full fat yoghurt
  • teaspn of salt
  • flour for dusting, water for amending texture

Useful guidelines


When you kneed flour that contains the protein glutenin with water you develop gluten strands. These elastic structures provide the chewiness in bread and help the dough to ”capture” the carbon dioxide that is released by yeasts, causing bread to rise. Gluten can be desired and undesired when making different types of baked goods. In this recipe for pliable flatbreads the dough should only be kneaded until it just comes together. Otherwise the flatbreads will get tough.

Hydration of the dough

The amount of yoghurt can be ‘tweaked’ according to the texture you wish to achieve in your flatbread. The wetter the dough, the more pliable it will be.

The cooking of the flatbreads

Cook them in a very hot skillet without oil for about 1.5 min on each side. Or until they are cooked through. Then store them under a wet cloth as they should not dry out when they cool down. Make sure to dust off as much access flour as possible before laying the flatbreads in the pan, Clean out any burned flour from the pan with a dry cloth/ paper towel in between the flatbreads if needed.


Simply follow these steps to make pliable flatbreads:

STEP 1 : Put the flour into a bowl and add in the salt then mix with you hand.

STEP 2 : Take your full fat yoghurt and start stirring it in with a spatula or other object to prevent your hands from getting too dirty at the onset of the process.

STEP 3 : Kneed together until just combined with your hands and form a rough ball.

always voter with damp cloth when not handeling the dough.

STEP 4 :Portion into even sized balls

With a knife cut up the ball like you would a pie, into 6-8-10 balls depending on how big you want your flatbreads.

Step 5 : Dust a clean surface and start rolling out the balls into your crêpe shaped flatbreads. Roll until about 2 mm thickness. The thinner you roll, the more easy it will be to roll them up once cooked..

Step 6:

Put skillet on high heat and bake off the flatbreads until golden but not crisp! The move them into a  deep baking tray, and cover them with a wet cloth. Do NOT let them dry out and make it hard for them to roll.

Step 7:

Serve warm or reheat in microwave in damp cloth, or in over on low heat covered in aluminium foil.



Store in an airtight container in fridge up until 3 days.


Brush the flatbreads with garlic butter when they come out of the pan to add some extra flavour if you are serving them to mop up a delicious Indian curry.


Introduce some dried spices such as aniseed or black cumin to give them more character.

Salt into Flour | The Farming hefs
Add yoghurt to Flour Salt into Flour | The Farming Chefs
Mix together yoghurt, salt and flour | The Farming Chefs
kneeling dough by hand
roll dough into one ball
Divide the dough into even portions
Roll out into 2mm thickness
Keep flatbreads moist under damp tea towel
Bake for 1.5 min each side on hot pan | The Farming Chefs
Baking off flatbreads | The Farming Chefs
Pliable flatbreads | The Farming Chefs


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