Cooking gear
Basic Soft Boiled Egg
Basic Soft Boiled Egg

A Basic Soft boiled Egg is a thing of beauty. Only one thing more important than how you cook the egg and that is where you got it from!



8 people


Time to Prepare:

8 people

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

8 people



Fermentation & Baking



4 eggs


Time to Prepare:

10 min

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

5 min




Cooking gear
Watch it step by step


The eggs

  • 4 medium sized free range organic eggs


  • black pepper
  • sea salt, flaky
  • chilli flakes, fine

Useful guidelines

Fresh eggs

When buying eggs at a local farm you can specify if you want fresh eggs or ”older” eggs. This really does make a big difference when preparing eggs. Fresh eggs have the tendency to stick to the shell after cooking. So if you are planning on peeling your egg, an older egg is preferred. If however you are going to half the egg and dip toast inside for breakfast this is of less importance. 

Punching a whole in the shell

Every egg has an ”air chamber” this air chamber is situated at the thicker, less pointy side of the egg. If you are boiling eggs and want to make sure they do not crack, it is wise to stamp a little whole into the shell to release the air from that pocket. That way no tention will build up as the egg has room to expand while it is cooking. A wide variety of these egg punchers/ piercers can be bought online.

Nutritional benefits of eggs

Eggs have gotten a bad rep over the years. Supposedly raising cholesterol and not to be consumed in quantities larger than 1 a day due to cholesterol build up. This however is not the modern take on eggs and their nutritional value. Eggs are a good source of protein, contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats and are a great source of important nutrients, such as vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D. Some research suggests that up to two eggs per day actually improves heart health.


Simply follow these steps:

STEP 1 : Bring water to a roling  boil

Choose a small saucepan big enough to hold 4 eggs. Fill this pan until there is enough water inside to submerse all eggs when put inside.

STEP 2 : Pierce the eggshells 

This step is optional but will prevent any cracking during the cooking process

STEP 3 : Put your timer on or mark down the time.

The eggs will need to boil for exactly 4 minuted and then left to rest for 1 more. So put your timer for 4 minuted and plunk those puppies in the water.

STEP 4 : Prepare an ice bath 

While your eggs are  happily boiling away you can now prepare an ice bath. This is especially important if you will peel the eggs. When plunging the eggs into cold water the inner  skin (embryonic sack)  will release itself from the shell and make it possible to have a clean peeled egg.

Step 5 : Boil for 4 minutes

Once 4 minutes have passed turn off the heat and leave the eggs in the pan of water for 1 more minute. Then lift them out en submerse them in the ice bath.

Step 6 : Ready to eat/use

A perfectly soft boiled egg is a thing of beauty for breakfast. Dunking some freshly buttered toast into the creamy yolk makes those who like that sort of thing smile. Another way to make use of a soft boiled egg is as an extra topping on a savoury dinner dish such as ramen or a meal salad


You can store a soft boiled egg up to two days in the fridge. But don’t… Soft boiled eggs should be consumed straight away to enjoy their full wonder!


An oozy egg on top of a fried rice dish, or a colourful summer salad makes most people mouth water.



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