Cooking gear

Simply Fantastic White Rice

Rice after steaming, The Farming Chefs

Many of us eat rice on the regular but most people struggle to cook it right. Let me show you the trick to a fluffy rice every time.



500 gr white rice


Time to Prepare:

10 min

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

25 min






500 gr of rice 


Time to Prepare:

5 min

hour glass

Time to cook or cure:

25 min 




Cooking gear
Watch it step by step


For the simply fantastic white rice

  • 300 gr of white long grain rice
  • enough water to cover according to instructions
  • 2 tbs vegetable oil 
  • 6 gr salt (1 small tbsp salt)

In case you want to spice it up Indian style

  • 1 cardamom pod
  • 1 piece of curryleaf
  • 1 star anice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 teasp aniseed whole

Useful guidelines

Washing your rice

When rice is packaged rice dust is present in the process it is key to wash your rice well before cooking it. Otherwise the water which you will use will get thick and sticky making your rice anything but fluffy.

Should you weigh/ measure out your water?

Of course it is the best way to predicting succes. The rule of thumb is 1.5x the volume of water to your volume of rive (1 cup rice = 1.5 cups water) However in this recipe we will share the ultimate rice cooking trick which will have you making rice successfully time after time without any measuring tools.

Adding Salt to rice

Salt is important to add flavour, The 2% rule is always a good rule of thumb for the right salt %. If you add it at the beginning you will optimise flavour. 

Cooking temp

High heat is needed at the onset until your water  is vigorously boiling. Then down to minimum heat for another 10-15 minutes. Let stand with lid on for another 10 minutes and voila, the perfect rice is done.

Adding seasoning

You can choose to add flavour int he beginning by frying off spices together with your raw rice. Another oiption is to add a lump of butter on top of the cooked rice and let it steam for another 5 minuted before serving.


Follow these steps to achieve this simply fantastic white rice

STEP 1 :

Measure out the rice you want to serve (80 gr of raw rice per person is enough for a portion). For this recipe we are making 500g of cooked rice (more or less 3 cups raw rice) 

STEP 2 :

Get a pot with high edges and a lid that fits well. The pot should be filled between 20 to 50 % when the raw rice is inside. Do not go for a pot that is too big or too small as the trick will not work.

STEP 3 :

Wash your rice and let drain until almost dry.

STEP 4 :

Put your pot on the stove and add 2 tbs of oil. Add your white rice and fry for a minute until  slightly translucent.

Step 5 :

Add salt and poor over cold water untill the waterlevel is two cm above the level of rice. Make sure your rice in also leveled out after you poor the water in by storing it very briefly with a wooden spoon. Do not overtire as it releases starch.

Step 6:

Let the water come up to vigorous boil and then turn down the fire to minimum heat. Now cover pot with a lid.

Step 7:

Boil on minimum heat for another 10 – 15 minutes. Then turn off heat and let stand on stove with lid on for another 10 minutes. Stir too lossen up rice and serve.



Keeping rice from one day to the next is ok, but more then that is really not advised.


measure out rice, The Farming Chefs
Simply fantastic white rice - rinse rice recipe
add oil to pot, The Farming Chefs
add rice in pot with oil, The Farming Chefs
fry rive for 4 minutes or so, poor water in rice, The Farming Chefs
add salt, The Farming Chefs
poor water in rice, The Farming Chefs
rice in pan with water, The Farming Chefs
Simply fantastic white rice
lid on rice in water, The Farming Chefs
turn down heat, The Farming Chefs
cooked rice before steaming, The Farming Chefs
Rice after steaming, The Farming Chefs


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