Savoury and Sweet Fig Entrée

Savoury and Sweet Fig Entrée When figs are in abundance it is good to mix it up and create some interesting dishes with them like this Savoury and Sweet Fig Entrée. How much fig jam or chutney can one eat? This dish is perfect for a dinner party pr of you feel like spoiling your […]

Aubergine Pickle

Aubergine Pickle made by The Farming Chefs

This pickle gains depth over time as the aromas of the fresh herbs ferment under the oil.

Incredibly Delicious and Easy Aubergine Recipes!

aubergine dips

In this Step by step tutorial Sophie walks you through 3 delicious, yet super simple aubergine recipes that are 100% unique. Aubergine recipes are plentiful but this video is a unique take on how to create a delicious and versatile spread in just a matter of one hour of work.

5 key Elements to Healthy Tomatoes

5 elements to successful tomatoes harvests

5 Elements to successful Tomatoe Harvest What do tomato plants really need to thrive? Seed choice, sun exposure, pruning AND MORE. The Farming chefs explain! Building Flavour: learn how! Cured Meats Click Here Dairy Products Click Here Fermented Vegetables Click Here Recipe Categories  Latest videos 5 key Elements to Healthy How to process a […]

How to process a harvest efficiently

Gazpacho & Time management In this episode of The Farming Chefs, we focus on the key aspect of time management and multitasking in efficiently processing your harvest. And we make a delicious gazpacho!Join us as we provide step-by-step guidance on maximizing your productivity in the kitchen. Learn effective strategies to streamline your harvest processing, optimize […]

NO-added Sugar Fig Treats!

NO-added Sugar Fig Treats

No – added Sugar Fig Ice Lollies Sophie shows you how to make delicious summer treats. This episode is a real, raw look into the kitchen. Watch along as Sophie had a little laid back rant in the kitchen whilst cooking. This summer our fig trees are producing insane amounts of figs and we will […]

This is Crazy, Yet true!

fig wasps

Do you know how a fig tree produces ripe and sweet figs? In this video we explain the difference between parthenocarpic figs and non parthenocarpic figs. The real story is bizarre!


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