Great dishes start with amazing ingredients. That is why we grow top quality veg, eggs, meat, fruit, nuts and herbs. All 100% chemical free.

Nourish your system
Nourishment is key. Both in plant and in human life. We all need the right inputs in order to thrive. Plants need healthy soil. It is important to nourish the soil. Healthy soil is constantly replenished with organic matter. We do that by integrating livestock onto our pastures, by composting all our organic home/farm waste and by adding self made nutrient cocktails made with organic ingredients.
Seed & Sow
Seeding new plants in our greenhouse is a joyous reoccurring event in spring, summer as well as autumn. We seed and sow all our own vegetables and herbs using 100% organic seed from qualified producers and our own farm. Furthermore we seed and propagate a lot of tree species from local trees. They are better adapted and as such resistent to local pests and climate conditions.
We grow our produce and we raise our livestock using regenerative farming methods. This means we actually manage soil rather than animals or plants. Topsoil is disappearing faster than we can imagine leading to desertification and ultimately starvation. We do not till the land and we use animals to graze and fertilise. That way we promote healthy and diverse soil biology. The result: we are building topsoil.
Soil health is key
Biodiversity is what makes the system work
Building topsoil while we grow

"Our kids are the future, and if we want them to dine as fine as we do, we need to farm more than just food. We need to farm soil."

Our Farm is situated in the Beira Baixa region of Central Portugal


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