Let the future be tasty and let it be full of life!

Are we natural?

Are we natural?

As a regenerative farmer, I feel an inner struggle—one of philosophical proportions. Where do we, as humans, stand on this earth? If everything we do is so unnatural, then what are we?
A bad character is not only your upbringing and your genes

A bad character is not only your upbringing and your genes

The idea that ‘we are what we eat’ is now a scientifically well-founded truth. What we consume daily has a direct influence on our physical health. When we think of the consequences of bad food, we mainly think of obesity or physical illnesses. But it also has a major influence on our mental state and our character! Unhealthy food makes you moody.
A brighter future full of small scale farms

A brighter future full of small scale farms

Imagine a world where we are no longer dependent on food from faraway countries. A future where you know the people who grow your food, or at least can visit them. You eat mainly from your own region and you do not feel that you are ‘restricted’ in your choices. Everywhere you look you see lively farms, where you like to walk around. Why? Because they are beautiful, diverse, colorful and bursting with positive energy. Does that sound like a fairy tale? It is closer than you think!
The soil-gut connection, the moment when everything fell into place.​

The soil-gut connection, the moment when everything fell into place.​

Health is a fascinating subject. Most people – myself included in the past – think they are healthy as long as they are not (constantly) ill. And yes, I always felt fine in the past. I ate whatever was on my plate, never had any particular problems with my weight and my performance at the gym was always sufficient. But the ‘healthy’ of that time turns out to be a pale imitation of what I know and experience now


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